Exploring OpenSearch Snapshots

Tejaksha K
9 min readOct 12, 2023


A Step-by-Step Guide with Python


OpenSearch Snapshots play a pivotal role in safeguarding your data and ensuring its availability, even in the face of unforeseen disasters. In this blog, we will embark on a journey to demystify the world of OpenSearch snapshots and their paramount importance in the realm of data management.

Importance of OpenSearch Snapshots:

Imagine a scenario where your organization’s critical data is accidentally deleted, or a server crash leads to data loss. These situations can be catastrophic, resulting in downtime, financial losses, and reputational damage. This is where OpenSearch snapshots come to the rescue.

OpenSearch snapshots are essentially point-in-time backups of your OpenSearch indices and data. They provide a safety net, allowing you to capture and store your data at various stages, ensuring that you can always revert to a previous state. Whether it’s a minor mishap or a full-scale disaster, OpenSearch snapshots empower you to recover your data and operations swiftly.

Moreover, snapshots are not just about data recovery; they also enable data migration, replication, and archiving. You can seamlessly move your data between OpenSearch clusters, replicate it for high availability, or archive it for compliance purposes. This flexibility makes snapshots an invaluable asset in your data management toolkit.

Our Blog’s Mission:

The purpose of this blog is to serve as your comprehensive guide to OpenSearch snapshots, hand in hand with the power of Python scripting. We will take you through every aspect of creating, managing, and harnessing the potential of snapshots in your OpenSearch environment.

Whether you’re a seasoned OpenSearch administrator looking to enhance your data backup strategy or a Python enthusiast eager to automate snapshot tasks, this blog is tailor-made for you. We will provide step-by-step instructions, real-world examples, and Python code snippets to empower you with the skills needed to master OpenSearch snapshots.

By the end of this journey, you will not only understand the significance of OpenSearch snapshots but also be equipped with the practical knowledge and tools to implement them effectively. So, let’s dive in and unlock the world of OpenSearch snapshots together!

What Are Snapshots in OpenSearch?

Snapshots in OpenSearch are point-in-time backups of your OpenSearch indices and data. They capture the state of your data at a specific moment, allowing you to recover it in case of data loss, corruption, or other issues. Snapshots include index data, mappings, and settings, making them a comprehensive backup solution.

Why They Are Essential:

  • Data Protection: Snapshots are essential for data backup and recovery. They act as a safety net, protecting your data from accidental deletions, hardware failures, and disasters.
  • Business Continuity: They ensure business continuity by minimizing downtime and data loss, which is crucial for mission-critical applications.
  • Data Migration: Snapshots facilitate data migration between OpenSearch clusters, enabling you to upgrade or move data effortlessly.
  • Archiving and Compliance: Snapshots can be used for long-term data archiving, meeting compliance requirements, and preserving historical data.

Benefits of Using OpenSearch Snapshots:

  • Data Resilience: Snapshots enhance data resilience by providing a reliable backup mechanism.
  • Efficiency: They allow you to recover data quickly without the need to rebuild indices from scratch.
  • Cost Savings: Snapshots can be more cost-effective than full replicas for data recovery and redundancy.
  • Versatility: Beyond recovery, snapshots support data migration, testing, and analysis.
  • Reduced Risk: With snapshots, the risk of data loss is significantly reduced, increasing data reliability.

Setting Up OpenSearch for Snapshot

Installing and Configuring the OpenSearch Python Client (opensearch-py):

  • Installing opensearch-py:

Install the OpenSearch Python client, opensearch-py, using pip. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

pip install opensearch-py

This command will download and install the opensearch-py package along with its dependencies.

How to Connect to Your OpenSearch Cluster Using Python:

  • Creating an OpenSearch Client:

After installing and configuring opensearch-py, you can create an OpenSearch client object in your Python script. This client object is used to interact with your OpenSearch cluster.

from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
# Create an OpenSearch client instance
client = OpenSearch(
# Replace with your OpenSearch URL and credentials
# Set to True if using SSL
# Set to True to verify SSL certificates
  • Verifying the Connection:

To ensure that your Python script can successfully connect to the OpenSearch cluster, you can perform a basic operation such as listing all indices.

# Verify the connection by listing all indices
indices = client.indices.get_alias(“*”)
print(“Connected to OpenSearch. Indices in the cluster:”)
for index in indices:

When you run this script, it should connect to your OpenSearch cluster and display the list of indices present in the cluster.

Creating Your First Snapshot

Creating a snapshot in OpenSearch involves capturing a point-in-time backup of your indices and data. This section will walk you through the process step by step and provide example Python code for creating a snapshot.

Step 1: Choosing the Repository:

Before you can create a snapshot, you need to specify a snapshot repository. A repository is a storage location where your snapshots will be stored. You should set up a repository before creating snapshots.

from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
# Create an OpenSearch client instance
client = OpenSearch(
hosts=['https://admin:admin@localhost:9200'], # Replace with your OpenSearch URL and credentials
use_ssl=False, # Set to True if using SSL
verify_certs=False # Set to True to verify SSL certificates
# Define the repository name and its settings
repository_name = "my_repository"
repository_settings = {
"type": "s3", # You can use other types like "fs" for file system-based repositories.
"settings": {
"bucket": "my-bucket-name", # Replace with your S3 bucket name
"region": "us-east-1", # Replace with your AWS region
"role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/your-role-name", # Replace with your IAM role ARN
# Create the snapshot repository
client.snapshot.create_repository(repository=repository_name, body=repository_settings)

In this example, we’ve created an S3-based repository, but you can use other types like “fs” (file system) if needed.

Step 2: Creating the Snapshot:

Once you have a repository set up, you can proceed to create a snapshot.

Example Snapshot Creation (Python):

# Define the snapshot name
snapshot_name = "my_snapshot"
# Define the indices to include in the snapshot (use "*" to include all indices)
indices_to_snapshot = "*"
# Create the snapshot
response = client.snapshot.create(repository=repository_name, snapshot=snapshot_name, body={
"indices": indices_to_snapshot,
"ignore_unavailable": True, # Ignore unavailable indices
"include_global_state": False, # Exclude cluster global state
# Print the response

In this code snippet:

snapshot_name is the name you give to the snapshot.

indices_to_snapshot specifies the indices you want to include in the snapshot. Using “*” will include all indices.

The body parameter contains additional options for the snapshot. In this example, we ignore unavailable indices and exclude the cluster’s global state.

Step 3: Monitoring the Snapshot Progress:

Creating a snapshot can take some time, depending on the size of your data. You can monitor the progress using the GET snapshot API or by checking the snapshot status in the OpenSearch dashboard.

Example Checking Snapshot Status (Python):

# Get snapshot status
snapshot_status = client.snapshot.status(repository=repository_name, snapshot=snapshot_name)
# Check the status
if snapshot_status["snapshots"][0]["state"] == "SUCCESS":
print(f"Snapshot {snapshot_name} created successfully!")
print(f"Snapshot {snapshot_name} failed with status: {snapshot_status['snapshots'][0]['state']}")

This code retrieves the snapshot status and checks if it was successful.

Creating the snapshots for the file-system based repositories :

from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
client = OpenSearch(
hosts=['https://admin:admin@localhost:9200'], # Replace with your OpenSearch URL and credentials
use_ssl=False, # Set to True if using SSL
verify_certs=False # Set to True to verify SSL certificates
# Define the repository name and its settings for "fs" type
repository_name = "my_fs_repository"
repository_settings = {
"type": "fs",
"settings": {
"location": "/path/to/snapshot/directory", # Replace with your desired directory path
"compress": True # Optional: Enable compression
# Create the "fs" type snapshot repository
client.snapshot.create_repository(repository=repository_name, body=repository_settings)
# Define the snapshot name
snapshot_name = "my_fs_snapshot"
# Define the indices to include in the snapshot (use "*" to include all indices)
indices_to_snapshot = "*"
# Create the snapshot
response = client.snapshot.create(repository=repository_name, snapshot=snapshot_name, body={
"indices": indices_to_snapshot,
"ignore_unavailable": True, # Ignore unavailable indices
"include_global_state": False, # Exclude cluster global state
# Print the response

Managing Snapshots:

We will cover how to interact with and manage snapshots in OpenSearch using the Python opensearch-py client. This section will provide step-by-step instructions along with Python code examples for common snapshot management tasks, including listing, deleting, and restoring snapshots.

List Snapshots

Listing snapshots allows you to view the available snapshots in your OpenSearch cluster. This is useful for monitoring and managing your backup data.

from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
# Initialize the OpenSearch client
client = OpenSearch([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}])
# List all snapshots in the repository
repository_name = "my_fs_repository"
snapshots = client.snapshot.get(repository=repository_name, snapshot="_all")
# Print the list of snapshots
for snapshot in snapshots["snapshots"]:
print(f"Snapshot Name: {snapshot['snapshot']}, State: {snapshot['state']}")

Delete Snapshots:

Deleting snapshots is necessary when you want to remove old or unnecessary backups to free up storage space.

from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
# Initialize the OpenSearch client
client = OpenSearch([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}])
# Snapshot repository and snapshot name to delete
repository_name = "my_fs_repository"
snapshot_name = "snapshot-1"
# Delete the specified snapshot
client.snapshot.delete(repository=repository_name, snapshot=snapshot_name)

Restore Snapshots

Restoring snapshots allows you to recover data from a previous point in time. It is useful for disaster recovery or rolling back to a known good state.

from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
# Initialize the OpenSearch client
client = OpenSearch([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}])
# Snapshot repository and snapshot name to restore
repository_name = "my_fs_repository"
snapshot_name = "snapshot-2"
index_to_restore = "my_index" # Name of the index to restore
# Restore the snapshot to a specific index
client.snapshot.restore(repository=repository_name, snapshot=snapshot_name, body={
"indices": index_to_restore,
"ignore_unavailable": True,
"include_global_state": False

These are the fundamental snapshot management tasks in OpenSearch using the Python opensearch-py client. You can adapt these examples to suit your specific needs and integrate them into your backup and recovery processes.

Remember to replace the placeholders (repository_name, snapshot_name, and index_to_restore) with your actual repository, snapshot, and index names when using these code examples. Additionally, ensure that you have the appropriate permissions to perform these snapshot management actions within your OpenSearch cluster.

Advanced Snapshot Strategies

When it comes to managing snapshots in OpenSearch, there are several advanced strategies you can employ to enhance your data backup and recovery processes:

1. Snapshot Repositories: Snapshot repositories define where your snapshots are stored. You can configure different repositories to store snapshots in various locations, including local and remote file systems, cloud storage, or even other OpenSearch clusters. This flexibility allows you to implement a robust backup strategy.

2. Snapshot Policies: Snapshot policies enable automated, scheduled snapshot creation. By defining policies, you can set a schedule for creating snapshots at specific intervals. This helps ensure regular backups without manual intervention.

3. Incremental Snapshots: OpenSearch supports incremental snapshots, which capture only the changes made since the last snapshot. This reduces the storage space required and minimizes the backup duration. It’s a cost-effective approach for handling large datasets.

Snapshot Repository Configuration:

from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
# Initialize the OpenSearch client
client = OpenSearch([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}])
# Define a repository for storing snapshots
repository_name = "my_s3_repository"
repository_settings = {
"type": "s3",
"settings": {
"bucket": "my-backup-bucket",
"region": "us-east-1",
"base_path": "opensearch-backups"
# Create the repository
client.snapshot.create_repository(repository=repository_name, body=repository_settings)

Snapshot Policy Configuration:

# Define a snapshot policy
policy_name = "weekly-backup-policy"
schedule = "0 0 * * 0" # Weekly schedule (every Sunday at midnight)
# Create the snapshot policy
client.slm.put_lifecycle(policy_name, body={"schedule": schedule, "repository": repository_name})

Incremental Snapshot:

Incremental snapshots are automatically created when you use snapshot policies. OpenSearch takes care of capturing only the changes since the last snapshot.

Best Practices for Snapshot Management

Effective snapshot management is essential to ensure data integrity and efficient backup and recovery operations. Here are some best practices:

1. Regular Testing: Periodically test your snapshot recovery process to ensure that you can restore data when needed.

2. Version Compatibility: Ensure that the OpenSearch version used for snapshot creation matches the version used for restoration.

3. Monitor Snapshot Health: Monitor the health and status of your snapshots to detect issues early.

4. Security Considerations: Protect snapshot repositories and snapshots with appropriate access controls and encryption.

5. Snapshot Cleanup: Implement a snapshot retention policy to avoid excessive storage consumption.

Optimization Tips

1. Data Selection: Be selective about which indices and data you snapshot to minimize storage requirements.

2. Compression: Enable compression to reduce storage space while creating snapshots.

3. Throttle Snapshots: Consider throttling the snapshot process during peak usage times to minimize performance impact.

Real-World Scenarios

Snapshots in OpenSearch are valuable in various real-world scenarios:

1. Disaster Recovery: In case of data loss or system failure, snapshots provide a reliable means to restore your data quickly.

2. Data Archiving: Snapshots allow you to archive historical data for compliance or auditing purposes.

3. Version Upgrades: Before upgrading OpenSearch, take snapshots to ensure you can roll back in case of compatibility issues.

4. Development and Testing: Snapshots facilitate creating copies of production data for development and testing without impacting the live environment.

Python-Based Use Cases

Here are a few Python-based use cases:

Automated Backups: Write Python scripts to automate snapshot creation, policies, and cleanup tasks.

Monitoring: Develop Python monitoring scripts to track snapshot health and status.

Integration: Integrate snapshot management into your Python-based data pipeline or application for seamless data protection.


In conclusion, OpenSearch snapshots, combined with Python automation, provide a powerful solution for data backup and recovery. By implementing advanced snapshot strategies, following best practices, and considering real-world scenarios, you can ensure the safety and availability of your data.



Tejaksha K

Reach me at https://tinyurl.com/56svjz36 I'm a Full Stack Developer & Cloud Expert with experience in Google Cloud Platform & AWS.